Whenever you think of investing your money, make sure that real estate is on the top of your priority list, as it is one of the best investments you can ever make!
Sometimes, you’ll earn a lot of profit. Sometimes the market price is going to go down which means that you might be in loss.
When it comes to investing your money in real estate, you need to pick a place where you know that after some time the prices would go up, resulting in profit.
Well, don’t worry! I am here to make sure that you make a good profit. Today, I will be sharing with you, the top three cities with rising real estate prices.
Austin, Texas:
With a population of about 950,715, Austin is considered as one of the places where the real estate price would go high. Estimated population growth in 5 years is 2.3%.
Median age in Austin is approximately 32 years old. The median household income in Austin is $66,697.
Estimated employment growth in five years is 2%. Cost of living is almost 95.6. One-bedroom rent in Austin is approximately $1154 per month.
While other cities are offering $743 for one-bedroom. Year over year rent growth is 2.3% whereas average is 1.5% in the US. Single family house for sale is about $318,200 where as in other cities it is $266,900.
If you look at the information clearly, it is one of the best cities to invest when it comes to real estate.
Boise, Idaho:
Boise is also one of the best and leading cities. Its population is about 226,570 while the estimated population growth in five years is about 1.6%. In other cities of US, the estimated population growth is around 0.7%. The median age is about 35 years old and the average Household income is about $55,199.
Estimated employment in 5 years is 1.3%. Whereas, in other cities, it is 0.6%. One-bedroom rent in Boise is $715 where as in other cities, it is $743. Rent growth per year is 2.2% where as in other cities it is 1.5%.
Average single family home for sale is about $274,700 where as in other cities it is $266,900. Information provided clearly states that it is one of the leading cities to invest in.
Charlotte, North Carolina:
Moreover, Charlotte is also among leading cities in terms of investing and business. It has a population of 850,035.
Estimated population growth is 1.5% where as in other cities it is 0.7%. Average age in Charlotte is 34 years old and the average household income is $61.017. This is higher than other cities in the United States where the average household income is about $57,617.
Estimated employment growth in five years is 1.3% and in other cities, it is 0.6%. One-bedroom rent in Charlotte is $961 whereas, in other cities, it is $743.
Increase in rent is expected to be 1.4% whereas in other cities, it is 1.5%. All of this makes it a perfect place to invest in!
Choosing a place for investment, especially when it comes to real estate is very important as it is going to be a lifetime investment.
Make sure you look at those places which are leading in terms of everything, especially in real estate business!